Saturday, July 30, 2011


^Front Spring Before, After Soaking, Painted

^Inner Fender after soaking, Painting

Valve Cover Before, after soaking, scrubbed, Painted

Freshly painted Valve cover on the engine waiting to be pulled so I can rebuild and paint it!

So I got the replacement tips for the sandblaster, got them installed and..... nothing! I dumped out the sand from the hopper to see if it was the problem, but no... the siphon tube that was supposed to be sucking the sand up through the blaster nozzle was blowing air into the hopper! Thanks Harbor Freight for a $20 piece of junk!
Now in their defense a lot of their stuff is awesome and I spend WAY too much money there, and if I take it back they'll probably give me a new one. I just don't feel like driving to W-S to do it because the GSO store doesn't carry this one...
Anyway that ticked me off and set back my plans for world domination.... OOPS I mean the restoration...

Check out all of my 55 pics on Facebook...\

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