Well I tried to get started on the de-rusting campaign with the wire brushes, manual & drill versions to no avail. The rust and old paint just kinda laughed at me while i sweated at it. So I gave up on the wires and broke out the Sandblaster for the first time, dumped in the sand i had just laying around and.... nothing happened apparently the sand was damp and too clumpy for the blaster. I dropped/threw the blaster in frustration only to have the ceramic tip shatter on the concrete. Have to run to the harbor freight to remedy that problem.
Tonight I ran over to the tractor supply to pick up some Molasses, that's right Molasses just like the cookies grandma used to make. Well not exactly, its feed grade molasses for deer hunting but I have another use for it. Mixing 1gal of molasses to 4gal of hot water produces a gross gooey sweet smelling substance full of phosphoric acid. this solution is ideal for dissolving... can anyone guess? RUST!! So i mixed up a batch and plopped in some super rusty parts (original '55 jack, hood bird), I'll leave them in there for a few days and post before and after pics.
OOH! I almost forgot I did pick up a 50# bag of black diamond sandblasting media to test out when i get my replacement tips in.
I'll let you know when I do some more!
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