Friday, July 15, 2011


I got the other fender off today, the frame and engine are kinda grimy and rusty.
After about 10 minutes of using a wire brush you can actually see the original paint and some bare metal on the engine!
Yanked the Wheels off to get them blasted and repainted!

I am about exhausted from all of the physical exertion involved in tearing apart a car! I only had to cut off 3 bolts with a recip saw because the nut/frame was so rusted it couldn't be held onto.

I forgot to mention that my 5gallon molasses experiment was ruined by the garage door knocking over my hood causing a syrupy mess of molasses all over the garage floor. Needless to say I was P.O.d The rust was dissolving really well though I could see bare metal on all the pieces I was testing so I went with a bigger idea that can't get tipped over by anything smaller than a car... I filled up the 80+gallon Trashcan (like the company gives you) with 70gallons of water and 7 gallons of Molasses! Its big enough for me to be able to get the fenders into when I pull all of the other stuff that's soaking out of it!

will be posting before and after pics...

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