Saturday, April 21, 2012

Carb Rebuild Done!

I finally finished my carb rebuild! cleaned up and painted with "Eastwood Carb Renew II" chemical and gas proof paint specifically made for carbs. I think it looks spiffy.Here's the Air filter and carb together as before and after shots... I'd say it's quite an improvement...
And after I got my new Air compressor working, I tested out my new Dual Action sander on the driver's front quarter panel.
I decided the inside needed to soak a little more before the final sand and priming before I learn to weld in the patch panels! I have thought about just using fiberglass to patch up around the eyebrows and the rear of the panel, but several people have told me that welding in patch panels is the best way to go... so I guess I'll try to do it the right way even though it's going to cost A LOT more to buy&weld in new sheetmetal.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


It's taken me a week to rebuild my carb, I got it put back together only to realize I had spare parts left over in my kit! Oh well Its only 5 screws to get those pieces replaced... Today I got my new air compressor up and running so decided to try out my new Dual Action Sander! I got the entire front drivers quarter panel exterior down to bare metal, headlight bucket out, and it's now soaking in the molasses (phosphoric acid) solution.
more tomorrow with vid & pics!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rim Job

Today worked on getting rims ready for paint, 2 of them have been primed & painted, two need to soak another day or two in the phosphoric acid solution and one is rust free and needs the old paint blasted off tomorrow.
I also worked on my 60gallon air compressor, the tubing to the pressure shutoff keeps blowing out (bursting) and the only thing Lowes carries in 1/4" is 130psi, (my compressor blows to 150psi) also it gets so hot coming straight off of the compressor the tubing feels as if it's about to melt(which probably adds to the blowout problem) So I may have to special order some heavy duty piping before I can use it again... seriously thinking of running copper tubing far enough from the compressor for it to cool off before the plastic tubing...

pretend there isn't a typo in painted...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Trim paint

Here is the color of the trim I decided to go with, it's dupli-color royal blue metallic. Looks pretty good in the pictures but it looks even better in person.

FENDing off rust

Before & After of my Left inner fender. I finally found a really close paint color I like So I laid on a coat! Another coat or 2 will darken it up a bit.

I also got my tires off of the rims, scraped off 30 years of dirt & paint and now they're Soaking in the phosphoric Acid Solution. The "Acid Vat" has been sitting in the sun untouched since September and seems to have concentrated a good deal! I accidentally dropped in a part and fished it out with my arm... Lets just say it burned a bit before I washed it off, It was only about 10% when I made it last year and I could wave my arms in it Willy-nilly with no burning feeling.
More pics and Stuff later on this week...